Partner with us and a Google-backed company to buy your home, so you can secure your next one!


 How the Cory Meyer Trade-In works.


Get a

guaranteed offer

We’ll work with you to evaluate your home and come up with the best possible option. If you decide to opt into the Cory Meyer Trade-In program, we’ll coordinate an offer on your home for you.


Make a strong

offer on your

new home

Once you have decided to accept the Cory Meyer Trade-In offer from our partner, you can then go shop for your new home. You won’t have to hassle with listing your home the old fashioned way.


Move in on your


One you find your dream home, our partner will then proceed to purchase your old home with the guaranteed price you agreed to. You will then have the cash to close on your new home.


Get full market

value when we

sell your home

You will receive an offer on your home that allows you to purchase another home. We then work to sell your old home. If your home sells for more than our partner paid for it, we give you the additional cash minus selling costs and program fees.

Curious how much we’ll

offer for your home?


Take their

word for it

Take their word for it

Make your strongest offer

with a Guaranteed offer on

your current home.

When you have an offer on your home it allows you to have the confidence

to move forward with finding the your dream home!


Need More Help?

You can call or schedule an appointment

so we could discuss further.